You can never go back. You have left a precious part of your childhood when you left Home. The innocence of childhood is something you'll never regain. There was a time when you had no eyes for the bad. Age puts filters on your eyes, ears and of course one for your mind. Here's a selectively blind view of my cochin for the ones who have never been there. This is what I travel to see - my world.
I am not a very religious person, but I did my rounds of the temples. I usually go to a temple for the noise and sometimes for the lack there of. I come from a family of Marars who lived in and around temples, playing music. Music, especially percussion, runs in my blood. Why I don't play now is a long and sad story by itself. But the point is that, I love elephants and thayambaka. Sadly, photography is prohibited in temples and I just got this small clip before I ran away.

Art is Nature speeded up and God slowed down.
-- Chazal