After procrastinating for nearly two weeks with the code nearly done, I've managed to find the energy (and some caramel coffee) required to fix it up for the public to use - and here it is. In the process, I also threw out all the ZendEngine2 hacks and started to use zend_user_opcode_set_handler, which should let people use this with the faster CGOTO vm core, though I would advise against using that just yet.
The new & improved inclued can dump out class inheritance dependencies (though not the interfaces, as of now). This gives a slightly bigger picture view of what files depend on what other files and provide a tree of the classes clustered into their own files. For example, this is the graph pulled out from the relatively minimal PEAR::HTML_QuickForm2 library.

The usage is as before, the gengraph.php script now has a -t option which will accept either "classes" or "includes". At the very least, it should help people documenting OOP php code. Next up are interface implementations, the data is already in the dumped files, but not output in any human readable format.
--It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information.
-- Oscar Wilde