Mon, 26 Mar 2007:
This had to be documented, like the other offtopic masterpeices. It all starts from a mail which had a typo - "Vacancy for 1/2 girls" which evolved into a discussion about dinosaurs (don't ask). But it eventually ended up with Dinoman and spo0nman in discussion.
I know Kung-Fu: Now throw yourself back to the Matrix, the first ever episode [1] - spo0nman as Neo. dinoman as Tank and me as Morpheus.
spo0nman : Reg-ex? I'm going to learn Reg-ex?... Holy shit. dinoman : Hey Mikey, I think he likes it. How about some more? spo0nman : Hell yes. Hell yeah. t3rmin4t0r: How is he? dinoman : Ten hours straight. He's a machine. spo0nman : I know Regular expressions. t3rmin4t0r: Show me.
Volley #2: Now, that alone wouldn't classify as an offtopic masterpeice. So here's the second wave with even more - in the matrix gym.
Sometime later, after t3 beats the cwap out of spo0nman, dinoman : There is no spoon, really. t3rmin4t0r: How did I beat you? spo0nman : You were too fast. t3rmin4t0r: Do you think my beating you has anything to do with perl in this place? spo0nman : .... t3rmin4t0r: Again...
And I for one, welcome our matrix spoofing overlords ... *bows*
--I suppose if we couldn't laugh at things that don't make sense, we couldn't react to a lot of life.
-- Hobbes