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Mon, 14 Feb 2005:

Most people have an illusion that an Absolute, Omnipotent, Omniscient God is in contradiction with Science and all the scientific methods associated with it. Science has had it's disciples called as devil worshippers and athiests by centuries of religious dogma. But as Hawking has so lucidly commented "it [Science] would be the ultimate triumph of human reason -- for then we should know the mind of God".

For those who have read Douglas Adam's scintillating lecture Is There An Artificial God will realize, that there is no role of a God in our world. However, on the flip side of the coin we do have Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) who wrote a very insightful commentary on God called God's Debris. The essential of the book is that we are God's debris - Probability and Dust, trying to rebuild a global consciousness due to some unknown urge to defy the entropy of the universe.

Of all the biblical fundamentalists claiming Creationism as an absolute - can't you see the hand of your God in evolution ?. My religion (Hinduism) relies on the evolution (call it Reincarnation) until the soul achieves Moksha (salvation) by transcending the human fallibility and ego. Coming from the background, the concept of evolution by natural selection seems to be the act of God. This is more so because Nature (as in Natural selection) is the God in this point. It might look primitive, but in fact Science was the duty of the religious monks who imagined the atom before Plato & Pythagoras was even born in Europe. Science was packaged with religion - for example Manusmrithi prohibits marriages within 10 generations of a single ancestor. The genetic dangers of in-breeding are clearly known in the modern era - but in 200 BC ?.

To conclude, Science is the religion which has had prophets who were right all along. They were prone to human fallibility and admitted to it , rather than claim divinity. For an agnostic like me , I accept relativity in just the same way I accept in God - one as the rule and the other as the maker of rules. Science is just unravelling what God has left for us to figure out for ourselves (again, read God's Debris).

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