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Tue, 03 Oct 2006:

Ever since I've told my parents that I'm buying a bike, I seem to have moved into a different class of "accident probability", without actually having to own one. Over the last 6 weeks, I've had 3 accidents on the road. I was driving in only of those and the fault was entirely the bus driver's who pushed me off the road, though some might say going off the road at 60 KMPH was unlucky. But thanks to my jacket, I have only a couple of bruises, instead of the standard scraped arms (or worse).

All this has translated into a "Don't buy a bike" and "Driving is dangerous" sentiments in the centre. Which basically means - if I want a bike, I can buy it with my own money - A task, which is getting harder and harder.

All said and done, I spent monday with my right elbow in bandages and wincing everytime I had to use the mouse. I'm thinking seriously about writing to a couple of interface design teams about what they were smoking.

As far as driving is concerned - Buckle up Dorothy, 'coz Kansas is going bye bye.

No, Officer, that tree came out of nowhere and hit me.

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