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Wed, 14 Dec 2005:

People do all kinds of stupid things. I generally don't care what half the world is doing because frankly - I don't give a damn. They are welcome to dig their way to hell with whatever they happen to be hooked on to. Apathy comes naturally. But I do not ignore the mistakes others make - I observe and I learn. In general, it is their life and I am just an uninterested observer. I don't meddle with theirs and I don't stand meddling in mine.

Once in a while, I run into a case where despite my regular policy, I decide to meddle. I don't meddle unless I think I can make a difference. I don't go running behind people yelling out advice. I usually do something which would make them think. What they decide, I leave to them - because once they start thinking, I can stop. There are very good and noble intentions. But the road to hell is paved with better ones. The effect of meddling in someone else's life, in effect gets your life meddled with.

Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! 
Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! 
Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them!
Keep away the wolf!
                  -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men

I hate to see potential wasted. Even worse, I hate to see potential being abused. The worst is when I see someone destroying their own potential. I have seen a socially brilliant - which needs both people skills and a quick mind - person degrade into a drunkard with no degree. I didn't care back then - I knew I couldn't make a difference. There was no point in trying.

But these days, I know I can make a difference. I can make others see my point. But I don't go running behind everyone I meet. I pick my fights - to win.

I don't pick on people I don't like. I am not built for cruelty. To pick on someone for my entertainment is not something that agrees with my basic philosophy of life. I do not hurt anyone in vain and when I do hurt, I try not to leave lasting wounds, if any. Believe me, it hurts more to hurt someone you care about than you might imagine. Especially because they are a lot more likely to hurt you back and retaliation is not something you are capable with them. That is the price you pay for meddling - pain and more pain.

If I can push someone the right way - I suppose that alone is worth all that. Nobody will ever appreciate my kindness with the scalpel. It is a delicate thing - the mental surgery - if it works right, they will never imagine I had anything to do with it. Unless you fail, nobody knows - but then, everybody does.

It is a thankless job. But I'm hiring ...

Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her.
(Han Solo about Princess Leia)

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