Thu, 22 Dec 2005:
Felt like reading something while on the way home. Result, bought two new books for slumber reading.

And of course having read Guards! Guards! earlier influenced this purchase quite a bit. The night when I read that, I had dreams of a wall glowing with four shadows in the soot (ala Shrek) and the sound of wall crumbling, only to be held together by a thin sheet of vitreous melt on the surface.
Jingo! so far is AWESOME. And btw, before anyone asks me - my books invariably end up being owned by my sis. This one's prolly going the same way :)
[1] Ballycumber: Look in The Meaning of Liff or an Ireland map.
--One of the universal rules of happiness is: always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.
-- Terry Pratchett, Jingo